wines by wineries
Here at Brevi Manu we supply wines from the best Italian wineries. Whether you are a red wine connoisseur or a white wine lover, there is always something special to offer. Browse our rich selection and choose the taste of Italy that fits your business.
il filo delle vigne
Il Filò delle Vigne is located in Baone, within the Colli Euganei Regional Park. For us, this area is a discovery of the old world, and this winery is the ultimate demonstration.
la viarte
La Viarte is located in Prepotto, within one of the most spectacular wine regions: the Colli Orientali del Friuli. La Viarte’s wine catalog includes exceptional wines from both International and Autochthonous varieties, with tremendous whites and reds.
Roncús is located in Capriva del Friuli, near Gorizia. It is one of the wineries that surprised us the most. It possesses an unmatched capability to express this territory through wine.
Poggio Petroso
The vineyard is situated between Gaiole and Castellina, precisely in the southwest of Radda in Chianti. Despite its young age, at Poggio Petroso, they have what it takes to be part of the Black Rooster legacy.
Fasol Menin
Situated in the heart of Valdobbiadene, Fasol Menin shows the true potential of the Glera grape and more. Indeed amongst the best Proseccos currently in the market.
Castello Bonomi
Located in Coccaglio, Castello Bonomi lies majestically on the slopes of Mount Orfano. Distinct variations in the soil and climate in just a few hectares have allowed Castello Bonomi’s winemakers to commit to unique projects.
Bosco Del Merlo
Bosco del Merlo roots are at the border between Veneto and Friuli. It is the biggest winery we proudly represent. Their wines made through passion and love for nature are incomparable.